We were asked by a local firm here in Windsor to see if there was anything we could do to speed up their website.
They knew that slow sites give a poor impression to customers and that slow page load times negatively affect conversions. They also understood that sluggish pages result in prospective customers simply getting bored of waiting and visiting competitors speedier sites instead.
It’s for these reasons that our new client made the sensible decision to ask us for advice. We met with them at the start of the week and dug into the reasons why their site was slow. Server hosting was identified as a major factor and it was decided that moving to a new server was the required solution.
Great Speedup Results
Here’s How We Did It
- We ensured we were running the latest version of PHP
- We ensured the database was on a recent version of mySQL
- We turned on Gzip compression
- We optimised images
- We optimised loading order
- We ensured browser caching was set up correctly
- We compressed and concatenated css files and js files